Sunday 14 December 2008

And the weekend was....

What became of the weekend.
Both quite uninspiring days.
Saturday hubby worked until 2; 0 leaving very little time for shopping, went to Morrissons saw grandchildren there. Kissed Matthew (grandson) 20 times on the head like nanny's do. He loves it really....
Spend the evening at daughters watching X Factor would have quite liked JLS to win but they didnt Alex did. Son-in-law drove me home the few yards I live away from them save me walking as it was snowing.
Sunday was even less eventful.
Hubby worked till 2; 00.
I cooked lunch and broke a wisdom tooth in half eating it.
Danielle came round and took over the computer until 8; 30. I watched Elf one of my favourite films, we had our usual cheese and wine sunday supper, nothing on telly in the evening but rubbish.
And the weekend was ... boring to say the least.

Friday 12 December 2008

Talking about rubbish heaps

Friday morning a good start, Summer stops monday and Thursday nights last night she was quite awkward for a four year old, and for once I was pleased at 8; 30 after 9 stories she finally nodded off. This morning she was in a better mood with her nanny and after Fi Fi the Flower tot had finished she had breakfast and was ready for school bless her baby heart .
Collecting her at 3; 15 so I hope her good mood as lasted all day. The older granddaughter however as to no surprise to me or anyone that knows her that she as been a pain all day and her mother as received a phone call the fifth one this week.
She called round we had a chat or as she calls it a lecture but it falls on deaf ears, will she grow out of this I wonder no I more than wonder I hope for her sake she dose.
Making a steak and kidney pie for tea, it smells good.
I have found in the past year the trouble we have had with my granddaughter and what my daughter as been through with the permanent exclusion and 2 appeals my daughter as been through all without help. Why is that you may ask? because there is no help they label such children as rubbish kids and dump them where they can? The only thing we have had for help is the computer and bits of information we have gathered of different sites. Not one person steps forward not doctor teacher or child adviser not one shows any offer of help in anyway, all that my granddaughter and her mother have are a dam good family that pitches in where they can. This make me worry for kids that don't have a good family or mothers weaker than my daughter how the hell to they get through such things. Rubbish kid rubbish heap, days off school when OFSTED comes the school hides there rubbish. People say where do all the kids on drugs and kids living on the street come from. They come off the rubbish heap that there parents had fought like hell to keep them off but everyone else's as pushed them to it.
I didn't mean to moan sometimes i feel so cross but i don't no the answer all i no is i love my grandaughter and she may be rubbish to them but she is the world to me.

Thursday 11 December 2008

The Ultimate Christmas Musical Experience

Tuesday night dickey tummy so no blog.
After my troubles last year I often, have outbreaks of dickey tummy theses are a combination of my colostomy reversal and on going diverculitus and so spending the evening on the loo is a regular appearance, if you forgive the pun.
Wednesday morning, feeling a lot better and was excited about the evening out with mother.
Later that day.
The bus turned up 20 minutes late mother and I had stood in front of the Bull public house shivering for what seemed like hours. The journey to Thursford took about 2 hours towards the end I was hot flushing struggling to take my coat off I knocked the tine of roses out of mothers hand , which was good of me as mother is diabetic. I scrambled to pick them up and coolly passed the tin on.
We arrived
Trees dawned with fairly lights rose from the ground like bright colourful rockets, Christmas music floated in the air from the traction steam organs. Shops filled to the brim with decoration and trinkets of all kids. Souvenirs to buy tea to be grabbed and seats to be owned for as soon as the bell goes the mad rush begins. After going for several years, mother and I are wise and are soon seated.

This wonderful experience of dance and music is the perfect start to Christmas and defiantly a once in a lifetime must although I have been 8 times and will continue to turn up year after year.

Monday 8 December 2008

Stilton and port

Hear I am on a Monday afternoon in Lincolnshire, cold damp and gloomy and so is the weather.
Funny how just receiving something like a phone bill can make or break your day. Its hidden it under the pillow to read another day when I am feeling more like paying bills, and less like christmas shopping. nothing is going to spoil my festive feeling.
Having received a nice comment and email yesterday for my blogging efforts I have decided to carry on being a blogger.
Last night we had cheeses and port for supper, I know that sounds posh, but you cant eat a bit of Stilton without a glass of port. My many years of being a chef taught me some foods marry well together cheeses and port being one of them, however peanuts and boiled eggs are revolting so don't try this at home.

Sunday 7 December 2008

My First Time, please don;t nod off.

I would like to start my first blog with a big thank you to my friend John , who encourages me to carry on writing when my lazy brain would rather day dream.
Some folk use blogs for venting their frustrations or to pass on information.My blog will simple be my day to day family life, as sad as that may seem to you but do remember this is also my first go at life as much as we may try we cant always get every thing right first go.
That said let me tell you little about me. Sally 56 been married 40 years have 3 children and 6 grandchildren, mums Doris aged 76, hubby Terry ages 64, lived in Lincolnshire all my life but in a few different locations.
My loving hubby darling never stop amusing me.
Yesterday while we wear walking through Boston doing our shopping, sat on the bank steps was a young homeless man snuggled in a sleeping bag to keep himself warm. "Have you any spear change for a cup of tea he ask." My husband carried on walking mumbling to himself , wish I had time to sit on steps drinking tea, I work all bloody week and my only day off I am dragged round the shops". So realising my poor husband who.s life was worse than the homeless I kept the fifty pence which I was going to give the poor chap tightly in my hand. I felt guilty the rest of the day knowing that had I been on my own I would have handed it over without a second thought. From the wife of a poor old chap with no time to sit on steps sipping tea, good bye for now.